April 1 Enroute to Pitcairn Island

Position: S25deg38min;W126deg30min. Day 9's run: 126 nm. The seas and wind have calmed down, making for a comfortable ride towards Pitcairn. We're able to move around, eat and sleep in much more moderate conditions. Unfortunately, southerly swells are forecast to build to 12-14 feet just hours after our arrival, so we're not sure we're going to be able to anchor there! We'll decide specific strategy when we arrive, which we think will be Sat. afternoon. We may have to wave at the island as we go by! Well, for Team Infini, effort counts for something too, and we've certainly made an effhttp://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=1073188464461980068&postID=7298266633799733340ort to get here!

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