May 3 - Day 14 - More motoring

Position: N00deg53min
Day 13's run: 102 nm
Avg speed: 4.3 kn
Course: 145 T
Wind: ENE 7 kn
Seas: ENE 4'
Ship's log: 1604 nm
We've been in daily radio contact on SSB radio with four other sail boats: Sea Flyer, Reflections, Soggy Paws and Windy City. Like us, they all departed Hawaii for somewhere in "Marquiti" - the Marquesas-Tuamotus-Tahiti area. We've been motor sailing since 4 pm yesterday afternoon, as the less than 10 knots of breeze we've had is not optimal to move our 21 ton boat. That's why we carry lots of diesel! We put up the Code Zero sail today, but in the 6 knots of wind and 1 knot current, even IT couldn't get us moving but, at least the seas are relatively flat!

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