June 28 - Enroute, Madagascar to South Africa

Pos: S15deg36.19min/ S044deg54.90min. We left Katseppe at 0630 and had very light winds of about 4-8 knots most of the day. There were about 50 pirogues in front and following us, most of which overtook us, as we had a double reefed main and headsail out while motorsailing. It was lovely sailing down the coast until we got to around Baly Bay, when the wind went WSW at 5 knots and the strong current impeded our progress. Up to then, winds had backed from SSE-E-NE-NNW-W-WSW!! We finally hove-to and decided to wait for a wind shift, which took hold in the early morning hours. We now have E winds directly behind us at 15-20 knots, making good progress to round Cape Saint Andre.

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