3-31 Cockburn Town, San Salvador

Pos: N24deg02.80min/
W074deg32.02min. Well, we're chasing Columbus' shadow now...To regress a bit...we had the crews of Blue Sun (Kalle & Doris) and Champagne Moments (Daniel & Jody) over for happy hour yesterday and had a wonderful time. The conch horns were out and I even managed to blow a few sounds that weren't all that embarrassing. This morning, we left at 0730 and motor-sailed around the south east end of the island so we could lay our course of 030T to San Salvador. Early on, the wind was 18-20 SE, but settled down to about 15-16 E-SE and we had a delightful sail here. The fishing line was out and we caught our first fish. Unfortunately, it was a 2' barracuda, so I cut him up for bait and the cedar plug went back in the water; no luck. Getting back to Columbus and history, San Salvador is known as Christopher's first landfall. The Lucayan name of the island is "Guianahani" which means "sweet and gentle." There are several commemorative sites on the island and we'll go exploring tomorrow. We anchored in 17' sand in turquoise colored water in front of Cockburn (pronounced "Koburn") Town.

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