March 12 - day 12; enroute to Easter Island

position: S23deg01min;W105deg27min
day 11's run - 137 nm
average speed - 5.7 kn
dist to go - 328 nm
wx - pretty good overall; occasional higher wind gusts 28-30, but not sustained
sails - 2 reefs in main; staysail; partially furled yankee jib
r/r (repair/replace) - port cheek block for windvane control arm let go; jury rigged OK.
comments - seas continue on the beam or aft of the beam at 8'; we're doing well; expect landfall Sun late or Mon early.

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1 comment:

Jay Bietz said...

I'm reading your weather conditions and wondering how Infini handles 8' waves on the beam and aft with those high winds? Seems it would be very rolly and pitchy!!

Where on the boat do you sleep when off watch - not the v-berth I suspect.
