Day 1 - Bora Bora to Suwarrow Atoll

Position: S15deg41min/W153deg58min
Day 1 run: 145 nm
Avg speed: 6.0 kn
Course: 280-330 T
Wind: ESE 12-18 kn
Seas: ESE 4'
Sails: 2nd reef main; full to partial reefed jib; reaching pole used when running
Ship's log: We departed Bora Bora and took down the French courtesy flag that had been flying for 3 months. We've spent a total of 9 months in French Polynesia over 2 seasons, and it's now time to head west. We were a little rusty for the first few hours, as it's been a while since we've been on passage. Winds were good and the seas were calm, allowing good passage time running and broad reaching. Sue had precooked some meals and we're on a 4 hour watch schedule in the evenings. Max is doing a good job steering. We're checking into the Pac Sea Net every afternoon (14300 mHz USB at 0330 UTC), so you can follow our progress on our blog (click "Where we are"). All's well aboard.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Wow! I found your blog by accident when I was "Googling" Bora Bora to Suwarrow just to see how far it is. You are right on the heels of a friend of mine sailing solo in a 28' boat called Twister. I haven't heard anything in 30 days. He was leaving Bora Bora headed to Suwarrow and then on to Pago Pago. If you happened to have met a man named Lars on SV Twister, it'd be great to know! Now I can get back to reading all your entries ... I love following world sailors' blogs. It's fascinating! Cheer!