June 26 - Majunga, Point Anorombato

Pos: S15deg40.658min. E046deg18.905min. We had a lovely sail down to Majunga today. Winds 18-22 for the most part, and seas comfortable at 1/2-1 mile offshore in 25-40 feet. This was a beautiful stretch of coastline; lots of sand dunes, a few resorts, and not a lot else. We don't really need anything in the town of Majunga, so doubt we'll go in by dinghy. However, diesel, petrol, a bank and a nice supermarket can be found in town; this information from other cruisers blogs. The beachfront where we're anchored is chock-a-block with houses and hotels. It's Madagascar Independence Day today, so the music and partying will go on into the night.
Pic: Passing the breakwater off Majunga

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