Jan 22 - Buffalo Bay (Ko Phyam)

Pos: N09deg45.435min/ E098deg24.192min. This has been a great stop. The island has no cars, but plenty of walking trails. The only vehicles on island are motorbikes, and taxi motorbikes are easily arranged. We anchored a bit far out and were unable to get internet, so had to go ashore to use the free wifi available at any of the resorts which ring the bay. Ditac and AIS wifi and phone service are definitely available at anchor, contrary to some other opinions otherwise. We enjoyed several happy hours at the local bars and restaurants, and had a chance to catch up with many of our Aussie friends we hadn't seen for quite a while. Shopping was easy and extensive, and the fresh fruits and veggies were of very high quality, coming from Ranong on the mainland. Fresh water is free at Mr Gau's, a cruiser hangout, and the purchase of diesel and gasoline is easily arranged. Stuart (sv Imagine) and myself arranged to purchase diesel, and overall cost ended up at about 32 THB per liter. It came off the ferry which had just come in from Ranong, and it was a cultural experience to see a horde of people (young stevedores) unloading the ferry of all the dry goods, fresh food, meats, vegetables, ice, building materials, butane, and diesel the islanders living on Ko Phyam needed for the upcoming time period. We've pulled weather reports and are planning on departure tomorrow for the Surin Islands.
Pic: The NW bay (Buffalo Bay) is great for the NE Monsoon season

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