Jan 31 - Walvis Bay

Pos: S22deg57.080min / E 014deg28.698min Where was the wind on the way here? It's blowing over 25 knots just in time to anchor...what else is new. We had a mixed bag of no wind, motor sailing, a nice sail in 10-12 knots, but no steady, predictable, "set your sails and forget it" wind. Otherwise, arrived a bit over 48 hours from Luderitz; a decent enough time. We launched the dinghy after dealing with an engine alarm going off that indicated no salt water was going thru the system. Hmmm...there was salt water going thru the pee hole....Inspection revealed the remains of a jellyfish in the SW intake acting like a blocking plug; yep, gotta watch those critters around these parts. Talking about critters, there are thousands of fur seals cavorting around here. We never tire of watching their antics. Just after anchoring, a dinghy came alongside and a guy offered his mooring to us to use during our stay here. How nice is that? It was blowing like stink, this guy and his wife were drenched, and here he was making the effort to come out to welcome us to Walvis Bay and offer his mooring, which was much closer to shore than where we had anchored. Unfortunately, he told us they were from Windhoek, so we won't have the chance to buy them a libation and get to meet them properly. Pay it forward. All's well aboard; more when we get internet.
Pic: The pelicans are the biggest we've ever seen. White with pink tones. This one on the roof of a moored 'boat house' next to us.

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