April 28 - Day 9

Position: N07deg10min/W148deg17min
Day 8's run: 137 nm
Avg speed: 5.7 kn
Course: 135 T
Wind: 20 kn
Seas: 6 '
Ship's log: 1037 nm (from Maui)
Yesterday's run was pretty good into the evening, when conditions got a bit sqirrelly. Waves seemed to be coming from two directions, and Max wasn't happy either. We kept luffing the headsail, and tried all kinds of responses to that to no avail. That is until I took a good look at the wind vane...Max's rocker arm had come loose and accurate steering was impossible. I hooked my harness securely and then took the vane steering control lines off. Sue steered, Matt held the flashlight, and I tightened up the machine screw going into the casting as well as the allen screw that holds it all together. It didn't take all that long, but by the time Sue went back to attempt getting some sleep, I called her deckside to assist me during a brief 30 knot squall. Conditions seemed to settle down just a bit from there, winds had moderated to a steady 20-22 knots, steering had improved, and I continued my watch.

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