May 8 - Day 19 Happy Mother's Day - "Fish on!"

Position: S07deg41min/W142deg58min
Day 18's run: 116 nm
Avg speed: 4.8 kn
Course: 195
Wind: ESE 12-15
Seas: ESE 4
Sails: 2nd reef main; jib
Fish: 2
Ship's log: 2154 nm
Happy Mother's Day to all moms! We had a beautiful night sailing under starry skies in 12-14 knots of wind. No squalls, no lightning, and plenty of rest for everybody. Which was a good thing for Matt, as a fish was hooked at about 1145 and he landed a 26 pound tuna. We can't ID it accurately, but it has two separate, small dorsal fins; one midbody and one aft, dark black/gray/silvery stripes running longitudinally down its belly and lower sides and a black tail. If you know what it is, please email and let us know. So, besides breakfast made for her, Sue gets fresh sashimi and enough tuna steaks to last a long while. We all hope this spell of good weather continues. Newsflash! We just hooked and landed the largest yellowfin tuna we've ever seen, yet alone landed. Overall length 5'3", tail tip to tip 2', girth 40", weight ?? 80-100 pounds?? We had to take the mainsail down and use the main halyard to a loop of line we had gotten around the tail to winch him onto the deck. What a production. And all on a hand line! Happy Mother's Day, Sue!!

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