Passage summary

Total nautical miles from Lahaina (Maui) to Manihi (NW Tuamotus) - 2632
Avg. nautical miles per day - 114.4
Avg speed - 4.8
Fish - 2
Total motoring time - 62 hours
Thoughts: Matt: "this was a LONG passage." Sue: "LONG and one I wouldn't want to repeat." Me: "ditto!" We don't find much to recommend this passage unless you're in Hawaii and want to head to Marquiti (Marquesas-Tuamotus-Tahiti). You're hard on the wind much of the time on port tack, hanging on by your fingernails. Fish, for us, were scarce. The boat has to be (as it should be) set up skookum, and you will, no doubt, find leaks you didn't know you had! In our case, total boat repairs will be quite modest, thankfully. So, all in all, we've done it, we're here safely, and we give many thanks for our many blessings and opportunities. For those of you following us along, we hope you've enjoyed the adventure!

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