Oct 13 - Enroute

Time: 2300Z
Position: S22deg28.5min/W177deg11.7min
Day 1 run: 129 nm
Avg speed: 5.4 kn
Course: 225 T
Wind: NE 20-22 kn
Seas: NE 8'
Sails: double reefed main
Ship's log: It's been a boisterous first twenty-four hours. We should be able to assess weather conditions to see whether we stop at Minerva Reef tomorrow afternoon as well as be able to reassess weather going forward to NZ. All's well aboard. Update: The predicted 10-15 knot NE wind has turned into a bit more: it's a rainy day, with squalls to 37 knots at this time (0100Z). We've taken down the main entirely and have up a scrap of Yankee jib until conditions settle down a bit.

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