Oct 22 - Day 3

Time: 1200 local (2300Z)
Position: S25deg10min/E175deg25min
Day 3 run: 117 nm
Avg speed: 4.9 kn
Course: 220T
Wind: SSE 13-15 kn
Seas: SE 6'
Sails: double reefed main; full Yankee
Ship's log: The seas have laid down and the winds have steadied a bit. The sun's out and the temperature down below is 75F. So far, there's been no ship sightings, but NZ radio just broadcast an alarm (looking for a particular catamaran near the Bay of Plenty) on VHF 16 - we're about 600 nm away; that's a powerful transmitter! Our progress can be tracked by clicking on the "Where We Are" button; the PacSea Net personnel enter our daily particulars into the ShipTrack registry until we reach landfall. All's well aboard.

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