Oct 20 - Enroute to Opua, NZ

Time: 2300 UTC
Position: S23deg57min/E178deg58min
Day 1's run: 126 nm
Avg speed: 5.25 kn
Course: 295 T
Wind: WSW 20
Seas: WSW 8'
Sails: double reefed main; staysail, scrap of Yankee jib
Ship's log: We departed North Minerva Reef at 1000 and had to motor sail in very light winds until 0230 in the morning when we finally got 20 knots of SW wind. We've been bearing SW, then W, now WNW in heavy wind and wave conditions, and are close hauled on a port tack at about 50-60 degrees of wind off the bow. In the next few days the wind is expected to back to S, then SE, then ESE, and we'll follow it around as we make a big semi-circle, finally aiming more for our destination of Opua. All's well aboard.

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