Oct 27 - Day 8

Time: 1200 (2300Z)
Position: S32deg24min/E172deg37min
Day 8 run: 92 nm
Avg speed: 3.8 kn
Course: 161 T
Wind: SE 8 kn
Seas: SE 3'
Barometer: 1023
Sails: None. Motoring.
Ship's log: We've been motoring at 1200 rpm's to conserve fuel, so subsequently our speed is quite low. But, the strategy is working, as we have enough fuel to go the 166 nm to our Opuya waypoint, and the wind may even pick up a few knots to allow us to keep our sails full, thereby increasing our speed even more. This morning we came near an atmospheric high pressure ridge (note the barometer reading), with associated lower wind. We expect to make landfall in two days, which represents about one extra day at sea instead of arriving earlier had we had enough diesel. It's been beautiful out here; the sunrise and sunsets have been awesome -(Sue saw another green flash!) Not too much bird life, and so far, no shipping, although I expect that to change soon. All's well aboard.

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