Oct 28 - Day 9 We're just about there...

Time: 1200
Position: S34deg02min/E174deg02min
Day 9 run: 105 nm
Avg speed: 4.4 kn
Course: 170 T
Wind: ESE 14 kn; gusts to 20
Seas: E 4-6'
Barometer: 1024
Sails: 2nd reef main; scrap of Yankee
Ship's log: Well, we didn't have to worry about flat seas, little wind and running out of fuel! We've had nice wind, but cross seas and a corkscrew motion (ugh), and still have about 50G of diesel in the tank! In fact, we've been slowing the boat down since last night for our expected arrival in Opua in the early morning tomorrow. Who'da thunk? We've got about 65 nm to go, and will still have to slow down to be near our outside waypoint at dawn. There are a slew of boats making faster passages to NZ; our 9+ days isn't a fast time by any means, but a safe arrival with no major system or gear breakdowns counts for a lot!

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