Oct 8 - Down the island chain

Position: S20deg16.56min/W174deg48.28min We're presently anchored on the south side of Nomuka Iki island (we did not go to Ofolanga), between reef systems around us. We've been motoring the last few mornings to get to our destinations as winds have been light. At least until this morning, when a southerly squall blew in with gusts to 28 knots. With a trough over the southern parts of Tonga, the mornings here in the mid to lower island groups have started off overcast, and we're going by eyeball navigation along with our charts; but the charts can be, and often are, based on old surveys, and some charts are wildly inaccurate. We've also found currents here to be strong, and consideration has to be given to time of day and direction of travel. To add to the navigational delights, there are also what's referred to as "blind rollers," which are just what they suggest - waves that can only be seen from one side, so going over any of them would provide a rude surprise. We've seen lots of whales, and they're certainly cavorting around having a good time. We should be in Nuku'Alofa in a few days.

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