May 18 - Hook Island

Position: S20deg05.51min/E148deg54.40min We settled up our bill with the marina, picked up our spare Stalock terminal from the rigger (they couldn't get Hayn), and cast off the dock lines. Wind was 18-20 with higher gusts, and we sailed under double reefed main and full yankee to the northwest coast of nearby Hook Island. Boat speed was 6-7, with occasional SOG in the low 8's as we close reached across the channel. Hook Island has many anchorages, but we had picked out Stonehaven Anchorage as the guide books had pointed out there was the opportunity for snorkeling nearby. When we got there, we noted a line of mooring buoys set in about 45', so we took one for the night and settled in to a beautiful view, with wind bullets (high gusts) coming off the hills and birds screeching in the forest. LeuCat is moored nearby; we'll probably see them tomorrow. Sue made eggplant caviar, I baked date scones, and we enjoyed happy hour in the cockpit. It's good to be away from the marina.

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