Oct 1 - Cooking school

There are a plethora of schools teaching Thai cooking in Chiang Mai. Half day, whole day, menu variety, price range differences; all these considerations need be taken into account. We chose to attend Basil Healthy Thai Cookery School. The price was right, it was considered a "whole day" class, included a trip to the market, included pick-up and drop-off, class size was a manageable 8 aspiring chefs, and we could all choose our own menus to prepare. Pick up was right on time, and the explanation of veggies and herbs by our group leader, Benz, was really informative when we got to the market. Getting to the school only took a few minutes, and we immediately donned chef's aprons and got down to business. I won't describe each course as they may be found at www.basilcookery.com. I will, however, vouch for the fact that all 8 of us were stuffed, the instructional guidance was very good, and the food was delicious. We'd highly recommend Basil Cookery to all.

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