Oct 27 - Ko Phi Phi Don

Pos: N07deg45.010/ E098deg46.042 All week there's been a northerly wind blowing in the mornings. Until, of course, today, when we had to motor sail into a gentle 5-8 knot SE wind to go SE to Ko Phi Phi Don. We've been here before, last Dec. when we came up here from Malaysia. This is a party island, with loud music blaring until the early morning hours, even in this, the very beginning of the high tourist season. There are plenty of kayakers around and we were the only sailboat here in Lon Dalum Bay until a 32' charter boat decided to come in, anchor up close to the beach, decide better of it, and figured their chances of surviving the music were much better anchoring just a couple of boat lengths away from Infini. Here we go again; a large bay with room for an armada, and someone anchors on top of us! All part of cruising. We've had pretty good intermittent thunderstorms these last few days but Lon Dalum Bay offers good protection in 40'-45' depths.
Pic: One of the many beach bars in Ko Phi Phi Don

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