Sept. 23 - Enroute to Hawaii Day 8

Position: N05deg37min/W142deg00min
Day 7 run: 121 nm
Avg speed: 5.0 kn
Wind: SE 15 kn
Seas: SE 6'
Our seven day stats: Total miles - 915 nm; avg nm/24 hrs - 131; avg speed - 5.5 kn

We did a 0300 in the morning gybe as the adverse current was quite noticeable and pushing us the wrong way. This morning we put up a double reefed main; opposite the jib - wing and wing as it were, and with the yankee poled to windward, we're rolling but doing a respectable 5+ knots as well as going in the right direction. It appears we have a slot in the ITCZ directly in front of us that has much less convective activity, so we're trying to go due North asap. We have a few good weather sources reporting daily; and with comparing notes with Sherry on Soggy Paws...we're doing the best we can. So far it's been smooth sailing! Max (the wind vane) is steering fine, a bit by the lee, but we're making tracks.
It was a special day to have a huge pod of dolphins visit and play around the boat.

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